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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Joel Tyner for Congress

A real Grassroots Effort: Joel Tyner for Congress

When I first heard that Maurice Hinchey was retiring from Congress, I was very concerned because he is one of the few members of Congress who seems to really stand up for the things I believe in.  This is a CRITICAL ELECTION for our community.

Luckily last Thursday, I met a candidate for the newly redistricted seat District 19 in Congress who isn't just another picture perfect politician. He's a dedicated and hard working activist and man of the people who knows that actions speak louder than words. He's also an experienced leader, and the current Dutchess County Legislator. He's been elected 5 times!

This is video of him speaking out against closing Post Offices and laying off Postal Workers. He is asking for all registered Democrats to support him by SIGNING A PETITION to get him on the ballot for the PRIMARY ELECTION.  The DEADLINE for the petitions is April 15th, so SIGN NOW.

To sign, download the petition from the website, or call the campaign, and WE WILL COME TO YOU.
If you know me, email me, and I'll bring you a petition.
